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Filter Per Category (M2)

Zestard’s Filter Per Category M2 can be used if one requires the attributes to become visible/available for specifically selected categories.

Stability: This is the first stable release of extension.

Supported releases: This extension is tested and working great on Magento Community Edition 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x and 2.4.x successfully.

Support Information: For any help related to this extension email us at:

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Important Features of Filter Per Category (M2)

  1. Easy to use & Install.
  2. Flexible settings.
  3. Control attribute filters.
  4. Multiple or single select categories for one attribute.
  5. Exclude attributes from navigation.
  6. Enhance navigation with more 'Filter by' options.

Zestard’s Filter Per Category Magento 2 extension is best used if one requires the attributes to become visible/available for specifically selected categories.

For Eg. for store owners who sell into multiple categories from one store such as Clothes & Fitness Equipment or Clothes & Cosmetics or stores which has different attributes of products required to be shown to customers.

Main Features :

  1. Filter Per Category is Easy to use & configure and based on the settings made at the backend for certain products, your store will reflect the filters accordingly.
  2. Store admin can create separate attributes for different categories.
  3. The unique attributes will be displayed for the selected categories only, which helps to navigate/search different products of different categories easily.
  4. While visiting the category page in Layered Navigation all the attributes will not be displayed and only the specific selected attribute will be displayed as filter options.
  5. Best used for stores who sell into multiple categories from one store such as Clothes, Jewellery, etc.

Stability : This is the first stable release of extension.

Supported releases : This extension is tested and working great on Magento Community Edition 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x and 2.4.x successfully.

Support Information : For any help related to this extension email us at:

How to Install Filter Per Category extension?

Once you have purchased & downloaded our extension follow below steps to Install the extension. The easiest way to install a Magento 2 extension is by using SFTP or FTP. To do this, first download our Filter Per Category module and follow the below steps:

  1. Unzip the extension.
  2. Login to your root directory via FTP or SFTP.
  3. Go to the below path in your remote directory app/code/
  4. Create folder Zestardtech and under that create subdirectory FilterPerCategory
  5. Now upload all the unzipped code into FilterPerCategory folder.
  6. Then open your SSH or Terminal.
  7. Go to your root folder and RUN below 4 commands step by steps:
    • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
    • php bin/magento cache:clean
  8. If you didn't get any error during the commands execution process then our extension is successfully installed in your store.

To Note: If you face any error during this process then please either share the screenshots or share credentials of your store at our email id and will help you install the extension properly.

Version 2.0.0 - August 10,2022
  • Compatible with 2.4.x
Version 1.0.3 - February 02,2021
  • Compatible with 2.4.1
Version 1.0.2 - July 24,2020
  • Compatible with 2.3.5-p1
Version 1.0.1 - May 27, 2019
  • Minor Bug Fixes
Version 1.0.0 - April 27, 2019
  • Ability to choose attributes for filters in categories.
  • This is the first stable release of the extension.

General Questions

Yes, the filter will work for both existing as well as new attributes.

No, the filter per category will not work with root Category so please never select it in multiselect box.

Yes, Filter Per Category extension will work for both the options.

No, The extension will only work with “Product Attributes” like Color, Size, Brand etc and it will not work for custom or category attributes.

You can select specific category for particular attributes just follow below steps:
1 You need to set either Filterable(with results) or Filterable(no result) option at “Use In Layered Navigation”.
2 Once you set this you will see another option below as “Use for specific categories”.
3 Select “Yes” → and you can select the specific category in which you want your attribute to be displayed from the multiselect box.

Yes, you can set the attribute for all categories by selecting “No” at “Use for specific categories”. So at the front that attribute is shown for all the categories.

No, the extension will not affect any other modules. Still if you face any issue just disable the extension and send us an email at and we will help you out solve the issue.

Follow the steps mentioned to set the filter per categories.
1. Select existing attribute or add new attribute.
2. From Storefront Properties select either Filterable (with results) or Filterable (no results) at Use In Layered Navigation field.
3. Select Yes at Use for specific categories field, if you want that attribute for specific category and from the selection box below choose all the categories you want this filter to be applied.
4. Select No at Use for specific categories field, if you want that attribute for all categories

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