Stability: This is the first stable release of extension.
Supported releases: This extension is tested and working great on Magento Community Edition 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x and 2.4.x successfully.
Support Information: For any help related to this extension email us at:
Multiple Custom Fee extension for Magento 2 helps store owner to add extra/custom fee that charges of anything like additional charges on order. It adds automatically to Order total in all the orders aspects in all the way.
It certainly happens that store owners want to add some extra fees on order on certain conditions and on certain occassions. Now there is no option, other than either order custom attributes which takes load time on custom order attributes.
So, Multiple custom fee add this by store owner side to end user perspective with ease of Multiple radio buttons and Checkboxes
Multiple Custom Fee assists stores by adding additional services that the stores provide. Multiple Custom fee extension along with flexible customize-ability helps businesses fulfill the buyer's needs and wants. By providing detailed information about the product and service additional fee, Multiple Custom Fee developed for Magento 2 is a customer experience enhancer suitable for any type of online stores.
If store owners want to add fees for any services in their store like gift wrap, donation, etc, they can not be configured. Developed by Zestard Technology, Multiple Custom Fee module allows shoppers to add whatever fees they want and display them on their Checkout and Shopping Cart pages.
Once you have purchased & downloaded our extension follow below steps to Install the extension. The easiest way to install a Magento 2 extension is using SFTP or FTP. To do this, first download our Multiple Custom Fee M2 module and follow the below steps:
To Note: If you face any error during this process then please either share the screenshots or share credentials of your store at our email id and will help you install the extension properly.