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Multiple Flat Rate (M2)

Multiple Flat Rate Shipping Extension that helps you create & configure custom flat rate shipping methods based on different conditions and pricing.It is a must have for many online stores, especially international brands which deliver their products worldwide. Offering buyers different flat rates to select makes shopping easier and convenient for customers. Besides, this also helps stores manage shipping methods better.

Stability: This is the first stable release of extension.

Supported releases: This extension is tested and working great on Magento Community Edition 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x and 2.4.x successfully.

Support Information: For any help related to this extension email us at:

Total Price:

Important Features of Multiple Flat Rate (M2)

  1. Add up to 10 Flat Rates.
  2. Show shipping methods based on minimum & maximum order subtotal.
  3. Show shipping methods based on country specific.
  4. Show shipping methods based on Per Order or Per Item.
  5. Calculate handling fee based on Fixed, Percent or Fixed Per Item.
  6. Displayed appropriate message when shippig method not available.
  7. Enable/Disable Individual Flat Rates.
Multiple Flat Rate Shipping Extension that helps you create & configure custom flat rate shipping methods based on different conditions and pricing.It is a must have for many online stores, especially international brands which deliver their products worldwide. Offering buyers different flat rates to select makes shopping easier and convenient for customers. Besides, this also helps stores manage shipping methods better.

How to Install Multiple Flat Rate M2 extension?

Once you have purchased & downloaded our extension follow below steps to Install the extension. The easiest way to install a Magento 2 extension is using SFTP or FTP. To do this, first download our Multiple Flat Rate M2 module and follow the below steps:

  1. Unzip the extension.
  2. Login to your root directory via FTP or SFTP.
  3. Go to the below path in your remote directory app/code/
  4. Create folder Zestardtech and under that create subdirectory Flatshipping
  5. Now upload all the unzipped code into Flatshipping folder.
  6. Then open your SSH or Terminal.
  7. Go to your root folder and RUN below 4 commands step by steps:
    • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
    • php bin/magento cache:clean
  8. If you didn't get any error during the commands execution process then our extension is successfully installed in your store.

To Note: If you face any error during this process then please either share the screenshots or share credentials of your store at our email id and will help you install the extension properly.

Version 1.0.8 - July 14, 2022
  • Fixed Adobe Commerce Platform Compatibility with Magento 2.4.x
Version 1.0.0 - July 01, 2020
  • Initial Release - Multiple Flat Rate Shipping Extension that helps you create & configure custom flat rate shipping methods based on different conditions and pricing.
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